Ticket Policies
This website is the ONLY official online ticket purchase point for Angelina Arts Alliance performances. Any tickets purchased from an individual, company, or website other than AngelinaArts.org are purchased at your own risk and may be fraudulent, counterfeit, or invalid for admission to the performance. We do not knowingly sell to ticket brokers or resellers. Tickets can be purchased in person (108 S. First St, Lufkin, Texas) by phone (936-633-5454) or on this website.
All ticket sales are final and are nonrefundable, except in cases of canceled events which are not re-scheduled. In this event, Angelina Arts Alliance will make a good faith effort to contact ticket holders.
If a performance is rescheduled, tickets will be honored at the new performance date. No refunds will be allowed for rescheduled performances.
Due to the nature of live performing arts, all programs, artists, dates, times, and prices are subject to change. If this occurs, we will notify you as soon as possible. E-mail is our preferred method of communication. To provide or update your information please email admin@angelinaarts.org.
Tickets may be sent to your email as an eTicket, mailed, or held in Will Call whether purchased online or by phone. If purchased within 10 days of the performance, mailing is no longer an option.
Everyone who attends a performance, regardless of age, must have a ticket and sit in a seat. If you are unsure of a performance’s suitability for children, call (936) 633-5454.
Rush Tickets
Performing Arts Series and Pines Presents Series performances that are ‘sold out’ will have $20 Rush tickets available. Rush tickets will be offered in person only at the appropriate theater’s Box Office beginning one hour prior to the performance and until the performance begins.
$20 Rush ticket holders will be received into the theater 5 minutes before curtain to find any empty seat that has been left vacant by someone who purchased the seat but was unable to attend. If a ticket-holder claims that seat before the show begins – or at intermission – you must re-locate to another empty seat. (ONLY Angelina Arts Alliance staff/volunteers are allowed to stand during a performance.)
Empty seats are not guaranteed, location is not guaranteed and there is no guarantee that you will be able to sit together. If you have inquired with a volunteer and can not find any empty seat(s) at the beginning of the performance then your $20 will be refunded at the Box Office. No refunds are given after the first 15 minutes of the performance.
Online Ticket Fees
Performing Arts Series – $4.50 per ticket online fee*
Pines Presents Series – $2.50 per ticket online fee*
Discovery Series*
Pines Classic Movies – $1.00 per ticket online fee*
Box Office Ticket Fees (in person or by phone)
Performing Arts Series – $3 per ticket box office fee*
Pines Presents Series – $1 per ticket box office fee*
Discovery Series*
Pines Classic Movies*
*additional 4.5% credit card fee applies when credit card is used for purchase
Student Tickets
Angelina College students who provide a current student AC ID card can attend any Performing Arts Series show at NO CHARGE. Tickets are distributed to current AC students only – on a first-come, first served basis – beginning one hour prior to the performance. Tickets are given subject to availability. Students may enter the theater with a special ticket 5 minutes before the performance and take any available seat.
If a ticket-holder claims that seat before the show begins – or at intermission – students must re-locate to another empty seat. Funding for these tickets comes from the AC Student Activity Fund.
Group Rates
We welcome all groups of 15 or more at the Temple Theater and groups of 10 or more at the Pines Theater by offering a special 15% discount. Seating is based on availability. Enjoy a performance with family, friends, business associates, or club members. Call the box office for more information, (936) 633-5454 or stop by 108 S First St, Lufkin. Discounts are not available online.
Gift Cards
Give a gift of the arts! Gift cards are available year-round, in any amount, and can be *redeemed towards tickets to any Angelina Arts Alliance performance or film screening. A gift card is a one-of-a-kind birthday, anniversary, or holiday gift. It’s unique and is sure to surprise and delight family, friends, clients, co-workers, or that special someone.
We will send YOU the gift card (with matching envelope) for you to mail or give. The owner will have one year from the date of purchase to redeem.
Call the box office, (936) 633-5454 or come by 108 S. First St, Lufkin.
*IMPORTANT! Gift cards cannot be redeemed for purchases to Pines rentals.
By purchasing tickets, you acknowledge and understand the common health risks of being in attendance of any public gathering and voluntarily assume the risk. On your behalf, and on the behalf of your party of attendees, you hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge, and hold harmless Angelina Arts Alliance, staff members and board members, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to COVID-19 or any other health issue that may arise after the attended performance.