Orientation, Sign-Up & Temple Theater Tour August 1


LUFKIN TX:  Angelina Arts is seeking service minded volunteers, ages 17 years and up, who would like to join EnCorps, our official volunteer team. The annual sign-up orientation is on Tuesday August 1, at 6 pm at the Temple Theater on the Angelina College campus. Enthusiasm, people skills and people that enjoy serving others are desired traits, and of course a love of the arts!

Attendees will fill-out applications, review procedures, preview the upcoming season, take a backstage tour, and meet staff members. Angelina Arts volunteers help with general operations at the Temple Theater and The Pines Theater during productions. Jobs include greeting guests, handing out playbills, ushering, and assisting with concessions and merchandise. Please RSVP if you plan to attend by contacting Ginger at 936-699-5212, or ginger@angelinaarts.org. Do not attend if you are Covid positive, have symptoms such as fever, or are self-quarantined due to recent exposure. Instead, please call or email to sign up.

“The upcoming 2023-2024 season is our 23rd anniversary and it is going to be an exciting season – Blockbuster Broadway hits, inspiring performances, singers, dancers, and musicians that will take your breath away,” said Ginger Trotter Operations Manager, and with over thirty performances this season we will need a large team of volunteers to make it happen.” Trotter added “Our EnCorps team is a fantastic group of people willing to donate their time to ensure Angelina Arts Alliance events at the Temple and Pines Theaters are a success – and in return, our volunteers see our amazing shows … for free!”

For more information, call Ginger Trotter at 936.699.5212, visit our website at www.angelinaarts.org or email ginger@angelinarts.org. Stay informed – ‘like’ Angelina Arts Alliance on Facebook, and Instagram.